NLD organizer detained by unidentified armed group in Homalin in Sagaing Region

NLD organizer detained by unidentified armed group in Homalin in Sagaing Region
by -
Myat Thwin Oo (Hinthar)

Sagaing Region MP U Kyaw Htay Lwin has reported grave concern over the fate of U Lwin Maung Htay, NLD ward/village organizer from Thanyawzin village in Homalin Township in Sagaing Region, who was mysteriously abducted by a group of armed people on January 13.rd...   

Families of the organizer from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) are concerned about his safety as no information has been received until now.

U Kyaw Htay Lwin said: “I have reported it. No case has been filed even though the families informed the authorities about it. We are concerned about his safety as we have not got any information yet.”

The victim helped locals in solving farmland disputes and small-scale gold mining problems. The reason of arrest and which armed organizations have detained him are still unknown, said U Kyaw Htay Lwin.

Ma Thinzar Shoon Lae Yee, an organizer from Democracy Flourishing and Action Committee “In order to solve such problems, the parliament and the government need to follow the rule of law exactly. There is a ray of hope to deal with the offences committed by small armed groups if the authorities adopt a legal approach.  The government can effectively deal with the offences committed by small armed organizations, but not big armed groups.”

This incident has brought fear and anxiety to the village community including the victim’s families, U Kyaw Htay Lwin comments.

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