NCA signatories will cooperate with the NLD for national reconciliation

NCA signatories will cooperate with the NLD for national reconciliation
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

The EAOs Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) said they would carry out national reconciliation and national unity in cooperation with the National League for Democracy (NLD).

The PPST which signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) sent a message to the NLD after its meeting on November 25 and 26.

Col Khun Okkar, the spokesperson of the PPST said: “Our peace process will hopefully emerge during the tenure of the new government. We will cooperate with the NLD as the NLD announced that it would implement the policy of national reconciliation and national unity.”

Our organization will make efforts to build up the union based on lasting peace and a federal democracy system in partnership with the new government.

The PPST congratulated the NLD on its landslide victory in the election.

“We cannot rely only on the NLD for the implementation. It will materialize only with our cooperation. I believe that the government will achieve its policy of ensuring national reconciliation and national unity when there is cooperation” he added.

The PPST expects the NLD would deal with political, economic and social problems with the spirit of national unity and national reconciliation.

The PPST’s two-day video conference focused on the submission of reports, the review of the peace process and the political situation during the election period. The PPST laid down plans for local peace, national reconciliation and a future federal democratic union.

The meeting was attended by around 50 persons including the leaders of the PPST, representatives, and advisors, observers from the WLPP (Women Leadership in Peace Process) and those from the NCA-S EAO office.

The NCA signatories are:  the Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), the All Burma Student's Democratic Front (ABSDF), the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)/Peace Council (PC), the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU).

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