MUP to send a letter to the President about the lack of issuance of election documents

MUP to send a letter to the President about the lack of issuance of election documents

The Mon Unity Party (MUP) will sent a letter to the President about the lack of the issuance of election-related documents by the Union Election Commission (UEC), said U Aung Myint Sein, a lower house candidate from the Mon Unity Party (MUP).

Three candidates from the MUP who competed in the seats in Thanphyuzayat Township in Mon State asked the UEC to issue the election-related documents in order to clearly know their election results. But the UEC did not issue the documents.

“We will report it to the President who is held accountable for the Union Election Commission. We are collecting evidence to submit the letter to the President on around 15 December,” U Aung Myint Sein added.

The candidates sent a letter to the UEC to ask for the issuance of election-related documents in Thanphyuzayat Constituency on 12 November.

The UEC denied it in its reply on December 8.s U Tun Myint Kyaw from the MUP who competed in the Constituency-1 in Thanphyuzayat Township said: “We have some facts. We asked for the issuance of documents to make sure that the facts are strong. I don’t know the facts asked by the Tatmadaw. We will send the letter the President Office and issue the statement. How will the President Office take action?

Naing Layi Tama from the MUP secured the seat for Mon State Constituency-2 in Thanphyuzayat Township, with 20,668 votes while U Myint Oo from the NLD won the seat for Mon State Constituency-2 in Thanphyuzayat Township, with 22,630 votes, U Nyan Hein from the NLD, the seat for lower house parliament with 35,330 votes and Daw Myat Thida Tun, the seat for upper house parliament with 35,028 votes.

Three candidates from the MUP lose the elections. U Tun Myint Kyaw got 12,318 votes for Mon State Constituency-1, U Aung Myint Sein, 29,691 votes for lower house parliament and U Naing Oo, 32,645 votes for the upper house Constituency-8.

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