More than half of candidates in the Karen State did not lose their election deposit

More than half of candidates in the Karen State did not lose their election deposit
by -
Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

More than 100 candidates 50% half of all candidates who competed in the recent elections in the Karen State, secured sufficient votes according to the Karen State Election Sub-Commission and .can recover their deposits

U Maung Maung Naing, Secretary of Karen State Election Sub-Commission said: “The rate is one-eighth of valid votes. The candidates who secured enough votes can recover their deposit of Ks-300,000.

According to the election results issued by the Union Election Commission (UEC), 22 of 34 candidates who competed in the lower house parliament constituencies in seven townships of Karen State, got over 12.5 percent of valid votes.

In the upper house constituencies, 35 of 61 candidates who competed in 12 upper house constituencies got over 12.5 percent of valid votes.40 of 80 candidates who competed in 14 Karen State parliament constituencies secured the valid votes.

Likewise, 24 candidates competed in the constituencies for Bamar, Mon and Pa-O ethnic affairs ministers. Out of the 24, seven candidates secured over 12.5 percent of valid votes. The 104 of 199 candidates can withdraw their deposits of Ks-300,000 each as they secured enough votes.

Mann Aung Pyi Soe who competed in Karen State Constituency-2 in Hlaingbwe Township from the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP) said: “As most of candidates from our party got over 12.5 percent of the votes in the elections, they will get their deposits back. The number of candidates who secured over 12.5 percent valid votes reached 104. Most candidates from the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP), the National League for Democracy (NLD), the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), the Kayin People’s Party and the Mon Unity Party (MUP).

Only Saw Law Shae who ran as an independent candidate will keep his deposit and the remaining independent candidates did not receive sufficient votes.

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