More civil servants join anti-coup protest in Kayah State

More civil servants join anti-coup protest in Kayah State
by -
Naw Dway Eh Khu (KT)

Twenty staff from the Cooperatives Department and some staff from the Development Affairs Department, joined the anti-coup protest in Loikaw Township in Kayah State on February 17th.

Civil servants and civilians staged a sit-in protest in front of Myanmar Economic Bank (MEB) on the morning of February 17th where staff from the MEB also joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).  

Some civil servants do not wear their uniforms when participating in the protests, as senior officials are putting pressure on the civil servants who joined the CDM.

The protestors avoided confrontation as the army and police members prepared to disperse the sit-in protestors. Then, the protestors marched through the downtown. 

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