Mon Women Network calls on the army to stop unlawful arrests, torture and killing of peaceful anti-coup protestors

Mon Women Network calls on the army to stop unlawful arrests, torture and killing of peaceful anti-coup protestors

Mon Women Network called on the army to immediately stop unlawful arrests, torture and killing of the peaceful anti-coup protestors. They also demanded scrapping the 2008 Constitution, according to its statement issued on the 17th Mon Women's Day which falls on March 24th

Brutal crackdowns on peaceful protestors, the use of lethal weapons, vandalizing public properties, unlawful torture and killing are all aimed at terrorizing the public. The army is gravely violating basic human rights.

The network also demands an end to dictatorship, the abolition of the 2008 Constitution, and the drafting of a new constitution based on the federal system, ensuring the representation of all ethnics in drafting a federal-based constitution and the emergence of a federal union army.

The network calls for the immediate release of the detained political leaders and innocent people and the end to human rights violations such as arrests, tortures, and killings of peaceful protestors.

The network fully supports peaceful protestors against the military coup. In this time of the military council, women empowerment, increased participation of females in the leadership role and more inclusion of females in the political sector is a major challenge.

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