Mon State ill –prepared for election campaign and canvassing

Mon State ill –prepared for election campaign and canvassing
by -
Yan Lin Aung (MNA)

Some political parties in Mon State are complaining that the UEC election commission guidelines have been released too late and will delay the launching of their campaigns.

Naing Lae Ta Ma, the spokesperson of the Mon Unity Party said: “Our party still has to draft assignments to our people based on the UEC’s guideline on the canvassing. It will take more than one week.”

Only September 6th did the UEC announce the parties can do the 60-day election campaign period from September 8 to November 6 for candidates and political parties giving only 2 days’ notice to the parties.

 Win Maw Oo, Secretary of Mon State Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) branch said: “We find it difficult to start our canvassing as the UEC has released it without the discussion with the political parties. “

“As the ruling party they (NLD) can easily conduct canvassing while some political parties are preparing for the tasks and frameworks for canvassing campaigns,” U Win Maw Oo criticized.

The UEC has allowed political parties and candidates to do the campaign gatherings of a group with no more than 50 people.

Mon State is in need of the election monitoring groups to make sure that it becomes a clean and fair election.

Currently, 17 COVID-19 confirmed cases and one death have been reported in Mon State. Stay-at-home notice has been imposed in Mupon, Sitkelgone, Shwetaung and Phattan wards in Mawlamyine Township. It is widely expected that fear of covid-19 could keep many voters at home on polling day.

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