Mon State Election Commission rejects independent candidate

Mon State Election Commission rejects independent candidate
by -
Yan Lin Aung (MNA)

Mon State Election Commission has rejected an independent candidate due to the letter sent by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Although the election commission scrutinized the candidate application in Mon State, from August 11 to 17 and accepted him as a candidate, the Ministry of Home Affairs has surprisingly intervened. and sent a letter claiming that his parents were not after all, Myanmar citizens at the time of his birth.

U Hein Lin Htet, Secretary of Mon State Election Sub-Commission belatedly met him on August 26 to explain the reason why he was rejected.

U Hein Lin Htet, Secretary of Mon State Election Sub-Commission said: “The reason why the commission removed his name from the list of candidates is both of his parents were not Myanmar citizens at the time of his birth. The district election sub-commission explained the reason to him and then removed him from the candidate list.”

U Maung Maung responded; “On 12 August, the Court of Inquiry questioned me. Even an immigration officer was also included in the team. The Court of Inquiry could have rejected me at that time if my credentials were not valid. Now I have run out of time to lodge an appeal. The commission’s decision is unlawful, as I do not have enough time to lodge my appeal.”

A total of 306 people submitted their candidate applications in Mon State. There are 302 candidates left as three applicants submitted the revocation letter and the commission rejected one applicant.

“Immigration Department, the Criminal Investigation Department and the Special Intelligence Department (Special Branch) conducted background checks on the candidates. The Ministry of Home Affairs sent its findings to the Union Election Commission (UEC). Then, the UEC sent back the candidate lists to the relevant district sub-commissions which re-scrutinize the candidates. The commission can reject them even after the candidates have been elected if they are not in conformity with the law,” U Hein Lin Htet added.

U Maung Maung is a Muslim and a former member of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD).

He applied to the NLD to be the candidate for the constituency-1 in Thanbyuzayat Township. As the NLD did not choose him as a candidate, he resigned from the party in late June.

He applied to the election commission as an independent candidate.

The reason given by the Home Ministry for overruling the UEC’s initial decision appears to be in contradiction with the UEC’s earlier acceptance of U Maung Maung as a candidate. Apparently his parents lacked the NRC cards and he is also a Muslim candidate.

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