Migrant workers demand a law to protect labour rights

Migrant workers demand a law to protect labour rights
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Saw Thonya (NMG)

Migrant workers in Kachin State have called for the enactment of laws which will protect the basic workers rights during the period of the new government.

U Khin Maung Win from Chauk Township in Magway Region, who is working at a banana tissue plantation in Waingmaw Township in Kachin State said: “The enactment of law which will guarantee the rights of blue collar workers is urgently needed.”

The migrant workers arriving in Kachin State from all over the country, face problems over non-payment of salaries and lack of basic rights. If our legal rights are not clearly laid down, our people will never escape from this vicious circle. There should be no discrimination among classes in a democracy. I requested the new government to implement it.”

During the outbreak of COVID-19, most workers from the China-owned banana plantations in Kachin State did not get their salaries, as the plantation owners ran away. The authorities are unwilling to solve the problems, although workers have lodged their complaints. The workers said they are lame ducks.

U Tin Win working on the China-owned banana plantation in Waingmaw Township said: “These plantations are run by Chinese companies. They make plantations, if they earn profit. They will run away, if they don’t earn profits. We have no guarantee of getting paid. This should not be permitted. The new government should take responsibility and insist on accountability. I want a government which protects the rights of workers.”

U Bayan Aung, Program Manager of the Kachin Conservation Working Group (KCWG) said: “The new government should lay down the exact policy to deal with these problems.”

Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers are working in jade, mineral and gold mining, banana plantations and as casual workers in Kachin State.

Among them, most workers from banana plantations don’t get their salaries, and have no rights. They call on the new government to help them solve their difficulties, and to provide protection to them.

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