Many Muslims not included in voter lists in Arakan State

Many Muslims not included in voter lists in Arakan State
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

Only a few hundred Muslim people are included in the lists of voters in Arakan State, according to locals.

U Abu Kar Hay from Nyaungchaung village-tract in Buthedaung Township said: “Only some hundreds of Muslims living in Maungdaw and Buthedaung Townships are included in the lists. Even many who have the NRC cards are not included in the lists.

U Maung Maung, a Muslim from Thetkalpyin village in Sittwe Township said he had the voting rights in the 2015 General Elections. But U Maung Maung complained. “My name is not included in the list of voters.”

U Kyaw Min, Chair of the Democracy and Human Rights Party (DHRP) said: “Until now, the Muslims have no voting rights. Only those who have the national registration cards are included in the lists and even with NRC cards it still depends on the government.”

Daw Tin Hlaing, Chair of Arakan State Election Sub-Commission said: “With regard to the voting rights of Muslims, the main point is the voters need to be included in the voters list whether they are Muslims or not. The lists do not disclose the number of Muslims, Buddhists and Christians and their religions they practice. Those included in the lists are entitled to cast their votes.”

Around 2,000 Muslims who have NRC cards should have the right to vote in the upcoming election in Arakan State. But around 600,000 Muslims who have no NRC cards will lose their voting rights, U Kyaw Min estimated.

There are over 1,640,000 eligible voters in Arakan State for 2020 General Elections, according to the Arakan State Election Sub-Commission.

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