Local candidates criticize elections in previously cancelled constituencies amounts to giving advantage to USDP

Local candidates criticize elections in previously cancelled constituencies amounts to giving advantage to USDP
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Local Arakan candidates consider the Union Election Commission (UEC) is unfair to revise canceled constituencies in Arakan State where the Tatmadaw are strong, and the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) is likely to secure seats there.

The UEC released the list of canceled constituencies in Arakan State on October 16th to hold the election in three village-tracts in Kyaukphyu Township and four village-tracts in Ann Township. But the UEC revised its decision on October 27th. Tatmadaw is strong in these village-tracts where the majority of locals are Chin ethnics.

U Kyaw Lwin, an independent candidate from Kyaukphyu Township said: “These village-tracts are military-strong areas. From my standpoint, holding the election in the military-strong areas means that the army’s votes will go to the USDP. I am suspicious that these village-tracts are for the benefit of the USDP.”

U Zaw Min, a candidate of Ann Township Constituency-1 from the ANP said: “I think it is a merger of the interests of the government and the army. Many Chin people voted for the NLD in 2010 and 2015. The election is held for the areas which have ethnics assuming that the Chin people will vote for the NLD.”

U Tun Win Latt, a candidate from the AFP said: “To be honest local parties may not secure seats in these townships. They are military-strong and USDP-strong areas. The election needs fairness. There should be transparency if it is done democratically.”

The complaint of the local parties is they do not enjoy any benefits from UEC revision of which constituencies may be stable enough to hold elections announced on October 27th because they claim there is a concerted attempt to stop Arakanese parties where they enjoy popular support.

So far the UEC has not addressed the many complaints of parties based in the seven ethnic states.

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