Leading Arakan Party Wonders Why No Invitation received from NLD to meet?

Leading Arakan Party Wonders Why No Invitation received from NLD to meet?
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The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) is holding talks with ethnic parties but strangely the Arakan National Party (ANP) has so far not received any offer from the NLD, according to the officials of the ANP as of January 25th.

The ANP emerged as the most popular party in Arakan State coming in comfortably ahead of the ruling NLD despite many cancelled townships.

Given the recent ceasefire and positive prospects for peace talks to prosper, many observers are mystified by the apparent lack of interest by the NLD delegation led by Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, in holding talks with the ANP.

Lower House MP Pe Than, the member of policy affairs leading committee of the ANP  observed that “Efforts to tackle challenges and peace processes in Arakan State are likely to be weakened, if the NLD fails to hold talks with the ANP. We will achieve peace and development if the NLD tries to support the stability of Arakan State in coordination with the ANP which is the biggest party in Arakan State.”

Dr. Myo Nyunt, Spokesperson of the NLD said: “Vice-Chair Dr. Zaw Myint Maung and coordination team will decide whether or not the NLD has a plan to meet with the ANP.”  

That is such a vague non-committal NLD statement that many people yearning for peace in Arakan State and hoping for a better NLD performance during the next five years, must be very disappointed.  

Lower House MP Pe Than, the member of policy affairs leading committee of the ANP said: “We expect the NLD will hold talks with us, though no official invitation has been received yet. We will try our best to carry out checks and balances with the government based on our majority inside the state parliament."

The NLD delegation includes Magway Region Chief Minister Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, Karen State Chief Minister Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint and Upper House MP U In Htone Khar Naw Sam from Kachin State.

There will be 20 lawmakers in the third Arakan State parliament—seven from the ANP, five from the NLD (including Chin ethnic affairs minister, two from the Arakan Front Party (AFP), one from the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and five from the army.

The first regular session of the third lower house parliament will kick off on February 1st.

Similarly, the first regular session of the third Arakan State parliament will start on February 9th. 

The session includes the selection of the speakers and the deputy speaker and oath-taking by lawmakers.

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