Lawmakers, political observers criticize the UEC’s refund of election deposits before any public ruling on the need for special by-elections

Lawmakers, political observers criticize the UEC’s refund of election deposits before any public ruling on the need for special by-elections
by -
Tun Khaing (Narinjara)

Lawmakers and political observers have criticized the Union Election Commission’s (UEC) refund of election deposits, without fulfilling a widespread demand for holding special by- elections in many of the cancelled constituencies in Arakan State.

The UEC has made no response even though the AA, the Tatmadaw, locals and the CSOs are demanding a re-run of the election in the cancelled constituencies in Arakan State. More than 1.2 million people lost their voting rights due to the cancellation of elections in nine townships and many villages in Arakan State.

During the second week of January, the UEC has started refunding the election deposits to some candidates in Arakan State. There is criticism that the election is very unlikely to take place in Arakan State but the UEC has failed to inform the public of their position.

U Maung Maung Soe, a political observer said: “The session of lower house parliament is going to kick off on February 1st. It is sure that the election will not be held. The election cannot be held within one year after the start of parliament. The refund of election guarantee money without any announcement demonstrates the UEC’s lack of transparency

U Aung Thaung Shwe who competed for the lower house seat in Buthedaung Township as an independent candidate said: “. I think the UEC will maybe only hold a few by-elections. The sweeping cancellation of elections was undemocratic, and reeks of discrimination” against constituencies expected to vote against the ruling NLD party.

Daw Tin Hlaing, Chair of the Arakan State Election Sub-Commission said: “The parliaments are called. Some MPs urged the parliament to hold the meetings of 2nd parliament. It is not in a position to call it. A re-run of election is nothing to do with the Arakan State Election Sub-Commission. It is the duty of the UEC.”

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