KPP secures only one seat in Thandaunggyi Township

KPP secures only one seat in Thandaunggyi Township
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စောထွန်းလင်း (KIC)

The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) secured three constituencies in Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State and the Kayin People’s Party (KPP), one constituency only, according to the statement by the Township Election Sub-Commission.

“On the evening of November 9, the township election sub-commission released the lists of elected candidates. The candidates have signed Form-19,” said Naw Khayit Tun, a candidate from the NLD who has secured the upper house seat.

The KPP lost the seat in Karen State Constituency-2 in the 2020 General Election due to the share of votes with the Kayan National Party (KNP), locals said.

The voter turnout rate for the upper house constituency in Thandaunggyi Township has declined from 79.94 percent in 2015 to 64.5 percent in 2002. The low voter turnout is linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and a drop in the number of the workers due to the harvest of the cardamom,” Naw Khayit Tun added.

The Union Election Commission canceled the elections in eight village-tracts in Thandaunggyi Township controlled by the KNU Brigade-2.

According to the preliminary results, the NLD secured six seats for the lower house, the USDP, one seat. The NLD won 11 seats for the upper house and the USDP, one seat.

The NLD secured 11 seats for the Kayin State parliament, the USDP, two and the KPP, one.

The NLD secured the seats for Bamar and Pa-O ethnic affairs minister and the Mon Unity Party (MUP), one for ethnic affairs minister.

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