KPP MP promises to deal with land disputes

KPP MP promises to deal with land disputes
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Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

Kayin People’s Party (KPP) will work on the issuance of Form-7 (land use permit) for the traditionally-owned lands in Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State, said an elected candidate from the KPP.

“These land demarcations and ownership are determined partly by village boundaries. But all these lands are said to be vacant and fallow. To a certain degree, I have decided to deal with this issue during the five-year tenure for the satisfaction of people,” Saw Khayitophar who secured the Karen State Constituency-1 in Thandaunggyi Township in the 2020 General Elections.

There are around 900,000 acres of lands in Thandaunggyi Township. But the government has issued Form-7 for only around 70,000 acres of total land. The remaining land is freehold land owned by the locals.

Although the locals in Thandaunggyi Township have no the land use certificate (Form-7) issued by the government for land ownership, they abide by the land and forest ownership rules fixed by the village Land Affairs Handling Committee. But traditionally-owned lands are designated as the forest reserves, vacant, fellow and virgin lands.

A local said: “In our village (Paylaykhee village), land ownership is demarcated by trees, stones and streams. Most people follow the village land law (traditional and customary law). The clearance of hillside fields is banned within the two-mile radius of village.”

But these lands are classified by the government as “vacant” as they have no official ownership documents and the land law has failed to incorporate customary regulations that have existed for many generations.

Saw Khayitophar MP said he would implement his election pledge to bring about the development of regional businesses. Karen State will experience development if elected MPs from seven all townships in Karen State coordinate the needs of respective townships in parliament. Cooperation between all organizations on land affairs and regional road transports will be more effective and will result in benefits for everybody.

Saw Khayitophar secured Karen State Constituency-1 in Thandaunggyi Township in the 2020 General Elections. He served as the Karen State Minister from 2011 to 2016 after winning the same seat in the 2010 General Elections. He lost the seat in the 2015 General Elections.

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