KNPP likely to sign NCA in the time of the new government

KNPP likely to sign NCA in the time of the new government
by -
Naw Dway Eh Khu (KT)

U Shwe Myo Thant, General Secretary of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) said “The KNPP is likely to sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), if there are the guarantees for national equality, self-determination and the military ceasefire can be monitored, There is a potential for the inclusion of all EAOs, said U Shwe Myo Thant, General Secretary of the KNPP,  

However recent killings of three members of the KNPP and ongoing land disputes serve as a deterrent to the signing of the NCA. We need to deal with these issues first.

The KNPP said the Tatmadaw gave the ash remains of those killed on December 21st.But the e KNPP also reports the Tatmadaw have detained three members of the KNPP at the 7th mile temporary gate located between Parlaung village and Dawtachar village on Shardaw Road in Loikaw on December 20th.

U Shwe Myo Thant commented “The KNPP will continue keeping the tranquility of Kayah State as much as it can. In the past, the party had the monthly meetings with the government. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot hold these meetings. There were the discussions between the heads of armies. Both sides are trying to avoid the resumption of armed conflicts in Kayah State. The government and the Tatmadaw are required to put more efforts for the inclusiveness of all EAOs in the peace process.”

Ko Kyaw Htin Aung, a peace monitor in Kayah State said: “After the election, the Tatmadaw has officially assigned duties to a peace coordination team. That team makes invitations and holds meetings with the KNPP. Although the KNPP has not signed the NCA, both sides respect and follow the agreements signed from 2012 to 2013. The KNPP has signed the ceasefire agreement at the state level and union level. Thanks to these agreements there are no big clashes in Kayah State. We hope to keep the situation stable to a certain degree.”

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