KIA’s attacks in Khamhti result in three police injured, and nine others detained

KIA’s attacks in Khamhti result in three police injured, and nine others detained
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ခေါင်ညွယ် (KNG)

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) attacked a police station, military camp and some jade mining sites owned by the Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd (MEHL) in Namtsit Bum in Khamhti Township in Sagaing Region on the morning of May 22nd.

US and European Union sanctions imposed after the coup have targeted MEHL as a military-owned conglomerate, a cluster of companies has long dominated Myanmar's extensive jade mining sector.

“Three policemen were injured and nine police officers including a deputy – inspector detained by the KIA. This is the latest situation. No civilians were injured in the attacks. The KIA attacked the jade mining sites, police stations and military camps and later set fire to them. There is a police battalion in Namtsit Bum,” said a local.

The fights took place from 4.30 am to 6.30 am. As from around 7 am, the junta troops carried out airstrikes on the KIA with four military planes.

A local from Khamhti who declined to be named said: “The junta reinforced troops from Khamhti via Homalin. There are airbases in Homalin. The military planes arrived in Khamhti at around 7.30 am. The KIA withdrew from the place after the arrival of four fighter plans. The junta carried out the reinforcement of troops in Khamhti.”

Namtsit Bum is a major jade mining site. More than 100 companies are doing jade mining there. Among the companies, the army’s MEHL is the biggest one, according to locals.

The region is controlled by the Brigade-9 of the KIO/KIA. The attacks were carried out by the battalion-31 under the Brigade-9.

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