KCG calls for united Karen resistance to the new military government.

KCG calls for united Karen resistance to the new military government.

In the clearest response by EAOs to the new military government so far former KNU Vice-Chair and spokesperson of the KCG Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein declared “The NLD’s attempt to amend the constitution has failed “she added “Likewise the coup bears witness to the fact that it is impossible to amend the 2008 Constitution via the political dialogues based on the NCA and in the parliament.”

The military-drafted 2008 constitution is now seen in the light of the coup, as incompatible with the desire of ethnic peoples to peacefully achieve a federal democratic union.

Naw Zipporah Sein, a well-respected voice of the Karen people and one of few women to have become a leader of ethnic peoples urged “we the Karen armed organizations, especially need to protect our controlled-areas “Kawthoolei” and continue to retain our administrative system. This is a crucial time for our Karen armed organizations.”

The KCG strongly condemned the military coup that seized power and ousted the NLD government which won the election. In its statement, the KCG said “ we totally oppose the post-coup administration and will continue to safeguard the Karen struggle controlled areas in accordance with the Kawthoolei administrative system adopted by the KNU and based on autonomy. “

And in a highly significant call to the diplomatic world KCG called on the international community not to recognize the new military regime.

The KCG also calls on the KNLA/PC, the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) and the Border Guard Force (BGF) to cooperate with the KNU/KNLA (aka the Kawthoolei Army) in order to safeguard the Karen people and other ethnic groups.

“There are seven brigades and seven districts in the KNU-controlled areas. KNU Brigade 4 Area is located in Tanintharyi Region. But the majority of Karen people are living in those areas. KNU Brigade 4 Area is Bago Region. They are under the administration of the KNU. The KNU administration is under the Kawthoolei administration. Our administrative system is adopted by the KNLA although not all these brigades are  located solely in Karen State,” she added.

Even though the NLD opposes the 2008 Constitution, the NLD competed in 2012 by-elections to amend the 2008 Constitution in a constructive manner, and won a landslide victory in 2015.

The KCG was formed by the former KNU Vice-Chair Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein in June, 2017. The KCG issues the statements on their concern and stands on the peace processes based on the country’s political situation.

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