Kachin-based ethnic parties cautiously welcome the NLD’s invitation

Kachin-based ethnic parties cautiously welcome the NLD’s invitation
by -
Salai (MNJ)

Ethnic parties based in Kachin State have generally welcomed the NLD’s, invitation to cooperate in solving long-running conflicts and building a federal democratic union, while expressing their concerns about NLD’s poor record during its first term.

Dr. Tu Ja, Chair of the KSPP (Kachin State People’s Party) said: “The NLD needs to ensure the emergence of a federal democratic union in conformity with the 1947 Panglong Agreement. The NLD has been unable to implement the national unity and reconciliation in the current tenure. It failed to create a dialogue with ethnic peoples of six states. “

On November 12, the NLD sent a letter to 48 ethnic parties to actively cooperate in building up a federal democratic union. In the open letter, the NLD said they would make constant efforts for the emergence of a democratic federal union in the future, and pay attention to the aspirations of ethnic people. However the NLD’s failure to mention the 1947 Panglong Agreement is a surprising omission.

U Taint Saung, Chair of the New Democracy Party (Kachin) said: “We want the building of a federal democratic union, in accord with the policies of ethnic parties.” But he expressed his reservations over NLD’s past performance adding that “The NLD needs to place emphasis on the aspirations of ethnic minorities”. But he warned that if the NLD continue to sideline our proposals as before “it will lead to a bad outcome.”

Shwe Min, Chair of the Lisu National Development Party (Dulay Party) said: “I welcome the NLD’s invitation for the federal union as constructive. But we expect the NLD’s invitation for cooperation with ethnic parties should be based on practical steps and not political opportunism.”

U Htay Aung, Chair of the Tai-Leng (Shan-Ni) Nationalities Development Party said: “The government needs to prioritize the relaxation of restrictions on ethnics to establish a federal system sought after by ethnic peoples. The NLD’s invitation is a positive step.”

The NLD secured 50 of 70 constituencies in Kachin State in the 2020 General Elections while the rest was secured by the USDP, ethnic parties and independent candidates.

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