Involvement of EAOs in peaceful protests may fall into the twist of dictatorship: RCSS/SSA

Involvement of EAOs in peaceful protests may fall into the twist of dictatorship: RCSS/SSA
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“The involvement of armed organizations in peaceful protests could be exploited by the military and bolster dictatorship” cautioned Major Sai Kham, Spokesperson of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA).

The RCSS/SSA is one of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) which had signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the government and a member of the group of ten ethnic signatories that recently declared their support for the CDM and the nationwide rallies against the military coup. Last Saturday they announced the suspension peace talks with the military government and they “will support efforts to topple it.”

Major Sai Kham elaborated ““We have officially announced that we would give protection to the people. If we guard the people during the protests, we are in a position to fall into the trap. The protestors have no arms and weapons. The world is watching the protests. We are worried that the interference of armed organizations under this circumstance may fall into the trap of the army. We want the people to understand that.”

The military council’s violent crackdowns on and shootings at unarmed anti-coup protestors, have resulted in causalities .The RCSS/SSA denounces the military coup, and the people can ask for the help.

The Karen National Union (KNU) gave security covers to anti-coup protesters in Myawady in Karen State due to the blocking by the police and Tatmadaw.

The Kachin News group KIO reported KIO General Secretary La Nan: (KNG) comment “what’s more important is to remove the dictatorship in Burma.

The main problem is the 2008 Constitution. Regardless of whosoever in power, under this constitution they will become a dictator. We need to think about how to scrap the 2008 Constitution. Currently we have the opportunity to make this happen and I want to say this is our primary objective.

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