The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung in the CRPH has nothing to do with the party: KSPP

The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung in the CRPH has nothing to do with the party: KSPP
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ခေါင်ညွယ် (KNG)

The National Unity Government (NUG) formed on April 16th appointed U Lashi La as Vice-President, Dr. Too Khaung as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and Ja Htoi Pan, Deputy Education Minister. They all are Kachin ethnics.

The CPRH and the NUG has been widely embraced by Kachin civil society, the CDM movement and the EAO known as KIO/KIA.

However, the KSPP party has not endorsed the anti-coup movement.

One prominent member of the KSPP, U Lamar Naw Aung, elected as a Lower House candidate and included in the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), has refused to follow the non-committal stance of his party.

The KSPP has responded that “U Lamar Naw Aung does not represent from the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP) and this is just a personal decision. “adding that “As U Lamar Naw Aung has not officially resigned from the KSPP, his duties are suspended.”

U Lamar Naw Aung asserted “I believe I would receive supports from the entire people by making e cooperation while the nationwide anti-coup protests erupting. And I can raise the voices of Kachin people with my inclusion in the CRPH.”

 U Lamar Naw Aung won a seat in the 2015 General Elections, representing the Kachin State Democracy Party (KSDP) and the lower house seat in the 2020 General Elections, representing the KSPP.

Dr. Ma Nan Tu Jar, Chair of the KSPP said: “The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung as the CRPH member is according to his own desire, the KSSP has nothing to say.”

Five days after the military coup, the NLD’s elected candidates formed the 15-member CRPH. Later, two members were added to the CRPH.

Three new members including U Lamar Naw Aung were added to the CRPH on April 26th, according to the statement.

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