Htantalan Township NLD chairman forced to resign after social media exposes corrupt dealings

Htantalan Township NLD chairman forced to resign after social media exposes corrupt dealings
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Pu C. Za Cung, the chair of the Htantalan Township National League for Democracy (NLD) in Chin State has submitted his resignation letter after a report went viral on social media, said Chin State NLD chair Pu Zo Bawi.

It was widely reported on social media that Pu C. Za Cung, the NLD candidate who secured the seat in a house constituency in Chin had recommended the companies which donated money for NLD party, should be favorably considered regarding the tender from the Ministry of Education...

The leaked report being circulated on social media describes the names of six companies and company owners, who applied for the tender of the Ministry of Education. He is facing widespread criticism as he makes a remark in the report “the above-mentioned company owners provided assistance to the NLD victory.”

When contacted by phone about the submission of the resignation letter, Pu C. Za Cung replied that he would not give any details as it is an internal affair.

The rule enforcement committee of the Chin State NLD interrogated him and then reported it to the central committee. He submitted his resignation letter while the report is still in process.

Chin State NLD chair Pu Zo Bawi said: “The fact he wrote the reports for the companies has now come to light. There are some missing points in procedures. He himself submitted his resignation letter. The CEC has not taken action against him yet.”

Pu C. Za Cung secured the seat for the lower house constituency in Htantalan Township in Chin State.

The NLD secured 36 of 39 constituencies (over 82 percent) in Chin State. The opposition parties are criticizing that the NLD’s such a landslide victory is due to huge spending.

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