Four detained anti-coup protestors released on bail in Thandwe

Four detained anti-coup protestors released on bail in Thandwe
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The police have released four detained anti-coup protestors on bail in Thandwe Township in Arakan State on April 18.

They are U Khin Maung, Ko Yan Paing Htwe, Ko Aung Khaing Myint and Ma Mya Win.

“They were all previously charged under Section 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law. Later the authorities charged them under Section 30 of the Natural Disaster Management Law. Section 30, which is a cognizable offense. Then they were released on bail,” said U Thaw Zin Htut, a lawyer representing them.

The next court hearing is scheduled for April 23rd.

The police arrested them while they staged a sit-in protest on the morning of February 27th.

The police arrested U Khin Maung together with the protestors, while he was watching the protest.

They all were charged under Section 19 of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law and Section 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law on March 1st.

Thandwe Township Police Officer Than Lwin filed the case against them under Section of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law and the Township Administrator U Chan Min Aung, filed the case against them under Section of Natural Disaster Management Law.

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