Former NLD member, not allowed to run as KNDP candidate, but ends up as an independent candidate

Former NLD member, not allowed to run as KNDP candidate, but ends up as an independent candidate
by -
Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

Saw Tun Lin’s ambition to run in the election turned into a complicated story starting out as a NLD party member who opted to join for the rival ethnic Karen National Development (KNDP) but was thwarted by objections from NLD office which led to his rejection by the district  election sub-commission.    

But that was not the end of the story.  On August 28th U Htay Aung, Chair of Kawkareik District Election Sub-Commission told BNI that it has been decided to allow the rejected candidate from the KNDP to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming election.

Earlier Saw Tun Lin had appealed that decision that barred him as a KNDP candidate on the basis that he had filed his resignation letter to the NLD back in 2018.

The State Election Sub-commission rejected his appeal because the NLD continued to challenges his status claiming he was still a party member, He lost the appeal.

However The State Election Sub-commission suggested him to submit his election application again to compete in the election, but as an independent candidate.

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