Female candidates standing for the Mon Unity Party represent more than 25 per cent of their total fielded in the 2020 election contest

Female candidates standing for the Mon Unity Party represent more than 25 per cent of their total fielded in the 2020 election contest
by -
Yan Lin Aung (MNA)

Mon Unity Party candidates in the election include more than 25% women and nearly 18 per cent of their candidates are under 35 years, according to the party’s statement on 17 August.

A total of 17 female candidates and 12 candidates under 35 have registered to run for the seats in three regions and two states in the 2020 General Election slated for 8 November.

The candidates were chosen by the party’s township-level body, scrutinized by the 17-member central candidate selection body and approved by the CEC, said Naing San Tin, Joint General Secretary of Mon Unity Party.

“We want to secure all contested seats. The party secured more seats in 2010 than the 2015 elections. This time round the party is expected to secure more seats than that in 2010,” he added.

“Although the Mon Unity Party is an ethnic party, the party will serve the interests of Mon State and the Union”, according to Nia Tala Nyi, a CEC member of the Mon Unity Party. In addition to the Mon ethnic affairs, the party will work for the whole state. The party will serve the interests of Bamar Kayin, Pa-O or other ethnic groups.

The Mon Unity Party will run for 65 seats—35 in Mon State aprt from Thaton and Belin Township, 12 in five townships in Taninthayi Region, 12 in three townships in Kayin State, six in six townnships in Yangon Region and two in Bago Region.

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