Ethnic protest against the military coup in Yangon

Ethnic protest against the military coup in Yangon
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

A protest column led by Chin ethnics on February 9th, staged a protest against the military coup in Yangon where the anti-coup protests have been spreading to many different parts of Myanmar’s commercial capital.


Salai Par Lyan a Chin who led the protest said “There were around 3,000 protestors. The protest led by the Chin was joined by many ethnic peoples including Karen, Shan and Nagha accompanied by their ethnic flags.”


The protest march departed from the front of the Novotel Hotel at 11 am and marched to the US embassy via Pyay Road. They handed over  an open letter to the deputy chief of the US embassy.

The protestors chanted “We don’t want the military dictatorship”, “Abolish the 2008 Constitution”, “Release all detained political prisoners”, “We want the emergence of a federal union system”, and “We want justice”.

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