Erection of election signboards banned in Pa-O region

Erection of election signboards banned in Pa-O region
by -
Ying Tai (Shan Herald News Agency)

The Pa-O National Organization (PNO) has banned the political parties from erecting the election signboards in Pa-O Region, said U Win Ko Ko from the People’s Party who has registered to run for the Shan State Constituency-2 in Taunggyi of Shan State.

The People’s Party faced a threat by the PNO when the PP tried to erect the election signboard in Katku village-tract in Taunggyi Township.

“The village-tract administrator and the head of the PNO phoned me when we went to Kukoo village-tract to erect the election signboard. They told me that they have been engaging in politics since the armed rebel era. Other parties will not be allowed to erect their signboards. They will destroy the signboards, if the parties erect their signboards,“ according to U Win Ko Ko.

Saw Khun Kyaw Win, a CEC member of the PNO responded said: “The PNO did not ban the erection of signboards. But the parties cannot erect their signboards if the PNO’s hardcore in the village oppose it. The relevant parties need to organize locals.”  This Pa-O official comment fails to recognise democratic rights of all parties to erect signboards.   

The PP informed the village administrator about the erection of signboards in Hsaungpho village in Katku village-tract. The PP got the green-light from the village administrator. 

The village administrator said the PNO has issued a statement on a ban on the erection of signboards by other parties in Katku region, U Win Ko Ko added.

“We can help the parties erect their signboards in our Pa-O region if they have difficulties. No one can bar the parties from entering the wards and villages except the relevant administrators and the commission,” Saw Khun Kyaw Win added.

The People’s Party plans to lodge a complaint to the Shan State Election Commission about the ban on the erection of election signboards in that region, said U Win Ko Ko.

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