Election expenses in Chin State hit Ks around one billion

Election expenses in Chin State hit Ks around one billion
by -
Chin World

The total election expenses in the 2020 General Elections in Chin State has amounted to Ks around one billion Ks, said U Lin Kyaw, the Chin State Election Sub-Commission Officer

“Election expenditures in Chin State are higher than other states, although Chin State has a lower population compared to most ethnic states. Election expenditures among the regions and states will vary, according to logistic and travel costs. Chin State has difficult road access. There are no taxis or public motorbike transport. Rental fees are very high. Teachers who served as polling staff have to go to their posting areas by their own motorbikes. Staff from the ward/village sub-commission also have to do the same. The sub-commission has their fuel costs. They have to stay at their relatives and at the schools as there is no guest house. We cannot pay actual expenditures to them despite their higher costs.” he added.

Higher expenditures are linked to transportation difficulties. Election expenditures in the 2020 General Elections are higher than that in the 2015 General Elections, he continued.

There are nine townships in Chin State. There are 957 polling stations and 286,313 voters in Chin State.

Teedim Township has 140 polling stations and 56,764 voters; Tunzan Township, 83 polling stations and 17,827 voters; Falan Township, 169 polling stations and 39,273 voters;  Kanpelet Township, 80 polling stations and 14,712 voters; Mindat Township, 116 polling stations and 30,706 voters; Paletwa Township, 19 polling stations and 16,002 voters; Matupi Township, 150  polling stations and 38,019 voters; Htantalan Township,  105 polling stations and 33,806 voters; and Hakha Township, 95 polling stations and 39,204 voters.

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