Elected MPs committee appoints Dr. Sa Sa as special envoy to the UN

Elected MPs committee appoints Dr. Sa Sa as special envoy to the UN

The Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) of elected MPs has appointed Dr. Sa Sa as the special envoy of CRPH to the United Nations, according to its statement on February 22nd.

The CRPH was formed after the military coup.

Dr. Sa Sa is famous for his involvement in development tasks nationwide including Chin State. He got involved in the canvassing campaign of the National League for Democracy (NLD) for the 2020 General Elections in Chin State.

The CRPH has also opened its international relations office in Maryland of the U.S as of February 22nd to liaise with the UN, international governments and international organizations.

U Htin Lin Aung has been appointed as the international relations representative of the CRPH. The CRPH will continue to assign duties to suitable persons in order to carry out international affairs.

The CRPH has declared the State Administration Council formed by the army as the illegal council and won the public’s supports.

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