Democracy is the priority says, says NLD at their 31st anniversary event

Democracy is the priority says, says NLD at their 31st anniversary event

According to Dr. Myo Nyunt, a spokesperson of the National League for Democracy (NLD), achieving democracy has to be priority in the pursuit of establishing a framework for the federal union.

“We [can] never move forward if everyone with diverse opinions is asking for different things that they want. Therefore, we need to obtain democracy first and then continue to work on the federal system” Dr. Myo Nyunt said in his speech at The National League for Democracy’s (NLD) 31st anniversary event.

The anniversary celebration took place at the party headquarters in ShweGonDaing, Yangon and organizers released a statement at the event further stating, “the constitutional amendment process is one of the biggest challenges for [the] Union Hluttaw [Parliament] as well as [the] people in the country. For amendments [to the] 2008 constitution, [we] have vowed to work together with the leaders in the country until we succeed.”

U Nyan Win, a member of the central executive committee, commended Daw Aung San Suu Kyi as a leader of the democracy movement and noted the NLD has a very real role to play in the national reconciliation process for the country.

The NLD has been drafting a strategy for its potential victory in all constituencies for the upcoming 2020 election.

The Statement of NLD 31st Anniversary (Copy)

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