Confusion other NLD claims of being banned in some EAO-controlled areas in Mon and Karen State

Confusion other NLD claims of being banned in some EAO-controlled areas in Mon and Karen State
by -
Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

The major spike in Covid19 in Myanmar has led to many ethnic rebel-controlled areas known as EAO zones being declared as no-go districts for election canvassing.

However U Than Naing, Chair of the Kayin State Election Committee of the National League for Democracy (NLD) claiming specific discrimination against NLD the ruling party whereas it is alleged Mon parties are still allowed access to enter Kyarinseikgyi Township.

Naing Akar, a member of the New Mon State Party said: “We are ethnic brothers and sisters. I think the ban is due to COVID-19. There is no other aim such as party attachment and ethnic discrimination.”


In the 2010 and 2015 General Elections, the elections were skipped in some village-tracts of Kyarinseikgyi Township in Kayin State due to the concern over regional security.

The Township election sub-commission said the election cannot be held in some village-tracts due to various circumstances.


In this election advice, the EAOs have banned parties from entering their zones for canvassing, citing election regulations for safety and rules for coping with COVID-19. However, his NLD official retorted‘is just an excuse.”


However, NLD leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in a meeting on September 29h had a different perspective, “It is good the villages are cautious of the preventive measures against the COVID-19”. She added” In Kayin(Karen) State, the systematic acceptance of Myanmar migrant workers returning from Thailand is being carried out. I would like to express thanks for this cooperation in the virus preventive measures.”

The NLD’s election campaign committee has fully trained 1,500 representatives for 855 polling stations in Kayin State.

The committee explained the party central committee’s instructions to 13 new candidates.

Now, Hpapon Township where the NLD suffered some losses in the 2015 General Election is showing more support according to NLD local Kayin officials.

The NLD secured the majority of seats apart from five seats in Hpapon Township and one each in Thadaung and Kyarinseikgyi Townships in Kayin State.

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