Chin Youth Network urges Chin people to vote the CNLD

Chin Youth Network urges Chin people to vote the CNLD
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Chin Youth Network has issued a statement on September 28, calling for the Chin people to vote for the Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD) in the 2020 General Election in order for the political rights of Chin ethnics.

The CNLD has no connection with the ruling NLD and they are in fact their main rival in Chin State.

Salai Mon Bio, a member of the Central Committee of the Chin Youth Network said: “The people cast their votes for the NLD and the USDP expecting them to implement the pledges included in the Panglong Treaty and to build up a federal Union. But they have both been in power and have failed to implement the things we want. We call on the Chin people to vote for the CNLD ( a merger of three Chin parties)  believing that the CNLD alone can work for self-determination and the fate of Chin people.”


Chin ethnic people have voted for the big parties. But the Chin people are still facing problems such as the enactment of the Race and Religion Protection Law which provides an unfair advantage to one ethnic and one religion (Bamar people and Buddhist religion).

We also suffer from the forced enactment of land laws which go against the tradition and land ownership of Chin people, and efforts to carry out the forced erection of General Aung San’s bronze statues despite the oppositions by Chin and other ethnics and the lack of sufficient relief aid to the IDP.

“Only ethnic parties can provide genuine representation for building up a federal union based on equality and self-determination that all ethnic people are longing for,” according to a CNLD statement. 


The network has called on all Chin people to vote for the CNLD to protect the territories owned by forefathers, restore the sovereignty of Chin and to build up a federal union based on equality and self-determination.

Since 2012, Chin Youths Network has been working for the national affairs and the rights of Chin people and the rights of Chin youths.

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