Campaigns organized to show support for the NLD and the UEC after military spokesman talks of political crisis

Campaigns organized to show support for the NLD and the UEC after military spokesman talks of political crisis

The people across the country have responded to a threat against the NLD government, with flag-waving protests in support of the NLD after a military spokesman referred to a crisis, if their election complaints are not heeded by the UEC.

People in Yangon and Mandalay are hosting NLD flags and engaged in a Facebook campaign in January to show their support for the Union Election Commission (UEC) and the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) over the election results.

Military spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun on Tuesday renewed calls for the country’s election commission to provide final voter lists for cross-checking, and threatened that if this was not resolved, then a political crisis would be the result. It is widely reported that citizens fear a possible coup. Singapore TV Channel News Asia headline reported “Myanmar army raises prospect of coup after voter-fraud claims.”

Since the election, the persons who support the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and the Tatmadaw have protested against the UEC across the country. In response to it, the NLD supporters are carrying out campaigns to show their support for the UEC and the NLD.

U Hla Myint, a political activist who staged a demonstration to show support for the UEC on January 24th, said: “The mistakes in the voter lists have occurred since the previous elections. Having errors in the voter lists cannot be said to be a case of vote fraud. Even the Tatmadaw uses the term ‘there may be possible vote fraud’ .I would like to urge those who are accusing the NLD of vote theft, to stop ignoring the will of the people...”

Just like during the election campaign period, the NLD supporters host the party’s flags at their houses and have started the campaigns to show their support for the new government in Yangon and Mandalay.

Dr. Myo Nyunt, Spokesperson of the NLD said: “The party has not given any directive about the campaigns.”

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