Army raids Chin Center for Peace and Reconciliation in Hakha

Army raids Chin Center for Peace and Reconciliation in Hakha
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

More than 30 soldiers raided the Office of the Chin Center for Peace and Reconciliation (CCPR) in Hakha Township in Chin State on the morning of March 9th according to a person close to the CCPR.

Security forces arrested one member from the CCPR, a driver and five policemen who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) at the gate near Htantalan Township.

Security forces searched the CCPR as the CCPR helped the civil servants who joined the CD he added.

Now they are all detained at the prison in Htantalan Township.

The CCPR is a non-governmental organization working for the peace process in Chin State.

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