ANP’s policies and pledges for the upcoming election

ANP’s policies and pledges for the upcoming election

The Arakan-based Arakan National Party (ANP) has set out four policies for the upcoming election: development, support for a flourishing democracy, equal rights and the emergence of a genuine federal union.

 U Aung Mya Kyaw the Secretary of the ANP declared “The ANP promises to implement these policies. Its election motto is ‘To build a new state through unity and friendship. Vote ANP’.”

ANP has submitted candidate applications for 69 constituencies—64 in 17 townships in the Arakan State, one in Yangon Region and four in Ayeyawady Region.

The election commission rejected one candidate from Kyuakphyu Township. So, the ANP will compete in 68 constituencies.

The ANP has chosen six female candidates, 30 candidates aged below 50 and the remaining candidates are over 50.

“The Union Election Commission plans to hold the elections in all townships in Arakan State. The ANP is worrying that it is unsure whether to hold the elections in some townships due to the ongoing fighting. It is a major difficulty for the ANP,” said U Aung Mya Kyaw.

The ANP will compete in the 2020 General Election taking lessons from weaknesses of some ANP representatives' performance in the 2015 election.

The ANP does not agree to the inclusion of military MPs in parliaments and has complained that this is a one-sided provision in the constitution.

The ANP competed in 2010, 2015 General Elections and the 2017 and 2018 By-Elections.

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