64 candidates in Arakan State lost their deposit money

64 candidates in Arakan State lost their deposit money
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

A total of 64 candidates in Arakan State lost their election deposit as they did not get one-eighth (12.25 percent) votes in the 2020 General Elections, according to the figures from the Arakan State Election Sub-Commission.

A candidate who competed in the elections has to pay a deposit of Ks-300,000. They can withdraw their deposit money if they got 12.25 % of all votes cast.

There are 154 candidates who competed in the elections in Arakan State. Of them, 64 candidates in Arakan State lost their deposit money—12 from the NLD, six from the AFP, seven from the ALD, seven from the USDP, six from the Arakan State National Force Party, two from Kaman National Development Party, six for the Union Betterment Party, two from the Arakan National Party (ANP), one from Chin Ethnic Party and 18 independent candidates.

U Khin Maung Oo, Secretary of the Sittwe District Election Sub-Commission said: “They can take out a deposit of Ks-300,000 if they get the one-eighth of valid votes. This is included in the law.” Each candidate has to pay a deposit to the Myanmar Economic Bank (branches).

Naing Kyway Aye, Arakan State MP for Thandwe Township said: “The candidates from NLD did not get enough votes the people in Arakan State cast their votes for Arakan parties. They view the NLD as the Bamar party”

The ALD party based in Arakan State secured no seat although the party competed in all constituencies in six townships in southern Arakan State.

U Hla Myint, Spokesperson of the AND said: “We got low votes due to low public support. There will be low votes if the public doesn’t like the party.”

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