Khonumthung News

Two Chins staying in Mizoram, northeast India died from alcohol poisoning on 8 August. The alcohol was made in Burma.
A bridge located between PinydawOo and Minhlah village of Kalemyo, Sagaing division was totally damaged on 8 August following heavy downpour for...
A signboard has been put up saying “Don’t flout the authority’s order,” in departmental offices in Hakha, the capital of Chin state, Burma by the...
Fourteen bridges and about 20 houses were swept away by floods following heavy downpour for days in Tedim Township, northern Chin state, Burma last...
Three assault rifles and ammunition were seized by Mizoram police from two Burmese nationals in Mizoram, northeast India on 10 August.
Two people were killed on the spot and 11 persons were injured in a truck accident on the No-2, Indo- Burma border trade road on Friday.
Five ethnic political parties have urged the government of Burma yesterday to bring about a ceasefire between ethnic armed groups and the Burmese...
The issue of losing income from the forest in Chin state will be brought up in the second regular assembly in Burma on August 22 by the Chin...
Members of the Union Solidarity Development Party of Chin state, Burma have had to intervene to solve the problem created by an administrator from...
Students in Kalemyo, Sagaing division have been pushed to go for a strike by a lawyer of Kalemyo demanding the release of Salai Run Lian Ci, who was...
The Government of India will provide US $ 6 million for the development of Chin state.
The Sinletwa, Paletwa township based army camp LIB 238 in Chin state has given security duty to civil militia from eight villages within its area...
Five ethnic political parties proposed formation of a Peace Commission (PC) to restore peace in Burma at a meeting in Naypyidaw, the new capital of...
Two top Burmese heroin peddlers were arrested by the Superintendent of Police, Central Intelligence Department (Crime) Special Narcotic staff and...
The plan to fence the Indo-Burma border connecting Chin state, Burma and Mizoram state of India was opposed by Mr. Lalthanhawla, Chief Minister of...
