USDP intervenes in township administrator’s activities

USDP intervenes in township administrator’s activities
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Khonumthung News

Members of the Union Solidarity Development Party of Chin state, Burma have had to intervene to solve the problem created by an administrator from Than Tlang town, who took money to appoint two people against one vacancy in July.

“The township administrator collected Kyat two lakhs from a degree holder to appoint as a government employee last year, but he called two persons and appointed both collecting five lakh Kyats. The previous person disagreed with his decision,” said a government servant from Than Tlang.

There was a job vacancy for secretary in Lung Ding village, Than Tlang Township and the administrator asked for two and five lakh Kyats respectively. But a person who paid earlier complained to the authorities, said a town elder from Than Tlang.

“Mr. Ngun Hram, Chairman of USDP and Dr. Hmuh Thang apologized for the incident to the parent of the person who did not get the job. And then the authorities appointed a USDP staff for 70,000 Kyats, “said the town elder.

Fifteen executive members of Than Tlang Township USDP were being given 60,000 Kyats each as monthly salary, four head clerks from are getting between 70,000 to 80,000 Kyats by the authorities of Than Tlang.

“All political parties, including USDP are supposed to take action against corruption, but the USDP does not take action, supporting corruption indirectly,” said a pensioner from Than Tlang.

The Than Tlang educational authorities collected money from students without any reason.

“The principle of Than Tlang collected from the students transfer fees from those being transferred to other places. The collection was to the tune of 5000, 10,000 and 50,000 Kyats respectively, said a student’s parent from Than Tlang. Khonumthung news