Kaladan Press

The Rohingya community in northern Maungdaw is losing sleep worrying about nightly arrests by state authorities after many refused to participate in...
Two brothers died after they played near a dam in Kutupalong unregistered refugee camp. Faroque, 5, and Jashim, 4, died on July 1 at around 1:30 am...
After heavy rains washed out transportation routes Arakan state security forces in southern Maungdaw are using Rohingyas as forced labour to clean up...
Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni urged for Burmese authorities to resume the voluntary repatriation of Burmese refugees in Bangladesh during the...
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) secretary general urged the EU to take immediate steps to help Muslim Rohingyas in Myanmar during a...
A Rohingya man was killed after being run over by a wild elephant in Bandarban District, Bangladesh said the man’s friend Nazi.
The Bangladesh-Myanmar 7th Joint Working Group for Border Trade was held at the Teknaf Central Resort on June 22.
Two separate motorcycle accidents that happened in Maungdaw clearly illustrate how state authorities apply the law differently based on one’s...
Salt water that has entered river systems following high tides is affecting paddy fields in southern Maungdaw. The salt plagued rivers are destroying...
Wali-ul-Maroof Matin, currently the Chairman and Managing Director of the Bangladesh based Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited, is setting up a...
Burma has approved, in principle, to restart a long-delayed voluntary repatriation program for Rohingya Muslim refugees living in the country,...
Bangladeshi authorities has arrested more than 313 Rohingyas from different areas of the Bangladesh border this month alone, according to a local...
There is no rule of law in effect to protect Rohingyas in Maungdaw. They have no human rights and their properties are not protected from vandalism...
Three more bodies believed to be victims of a capsized boat that sank on June 16 were recently recovered in the Bay of Bengal near Teknaf Upazila,...
Nasaka (Burma border security force) officers nearly killed a Rohingya man from southern Maungdaw after a unprovoked beating that left him...
