More bodies recovered in Bay of Bengal

More bodies recovered in Bay of Bengal
by -
Kaladan Press

Three more bodies believed to be victims of a capsized boat that sank on June 16 were recently recovered in the Bay of Bengal near Teknaf Upazila, police sources said.

“The coast guard and Teknaf police recovered three bodies; a man, a twenty-five year old woman, and seven-year old girl.  Within 2 days (June 16-17), we have recovered 6 bodies from the Bay of Bengal, but more boat-people are still missing.”

Twenty-eight passengers were on the small wooden boat that sunk in the Bay of Bengal not far from the Bangladesh coastline. The boat was knocked over by heavy waves while trying to reach a large trawler that moored not far away. The trawler had already left for Malaysia before the smaller boat reached the area it was anchored, according to local sources. The capsized boat was one of 5 trying to reach the Malaysia bound  trawler.

Lal Meah, a local fisherman from Teknaf, confirmed that most of the people that were boarding the trawler were Rohingya Muslims. The 3 recovered corpses were taken to Teknaf police station to be identified.