
July 21, 2008
New Delhi — The Burmese military junta has hinted that detained opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could be released within six months, Singapore...
July 20, 2008
Teknaf , Bangladesh : Three more Burmese Rohingya refugees in the unofficial Lada camp died of starvation in July 2 to 19. They have been facing...
July 20, 2008
Kyaukpru, Arakan State : The Burmese Navy has been forcing fishermen to work in the Dayawaddi naval base in Kyaukpru since July 15, according to...
July 19, 2008
Prisoners from Buthidaung prison located 80 miles north of Sittwe have been forced by prison authorities to work on repairs to the Buthidaung-...
July 19, 2008
The controversial double standards adopted by Senior General Than Shwe over the Maung Weik-Aung Zaw Ye Myint drug scandal has created tension among...
July 19, 2008
New Delhi – Amidst tight security and stepped up vigilance by the Burmese ruling junta, the country's main opposition political party – the National...
July 19, 2008
Chiang Mai – Despite the Burmese military junta's attitude suggesting that restrictions will be imposed while observing the 63rd Martyrs' Day which...
July 18, 2008
The price of rubber seedlings is showing a downward trend after most people started to graft seedling plants for their small private business,...
July 18, 2008
New Delhi – Three Burmese fishermen are still stranded five and-a-half months after they made it to the eastern coast of India 's Orissa state, after...
July 18, 2008
Burmese junta authorities in Arakan State are gearing up to buy rice from farmers this paddy season and are disbursing loans to farmers during the...
July 18, 2008
New Delhi – Though the monsoon rice plantation season is coming to an end, farmers in cyclone-hit Bogale and Labutta Townships have been unable to...
July 18, 2008
The Burmese military junta's education system is in a mess. For instance teachers' in-charge of middle school students in Dum Gan village 10 miles...
July 18, 2008
Kachin State is in the forefront when it comes to making donations for victims of Cyclone Nargis. It has donated over 1,000 million Kyats an...
July 17, 2008
Two Burmese Army officers and two Chinese teak traders from Taunggyi were killed by each other in Kholam, Namzang Township, after quarreling over...
July 17, 2008
A Burmese Army private on security duty at the Myanmar Economic Bank in Mongyai, northern Shan State was arrested for robbery in the bank, according...
