NLD determined to observe Martyrs' Day at any cost

NLD determined to observe Martyrs' Day at any cost
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Than Htike Oo, Myint Maung
Chiang Mai – Despite the Burmese military junta's attitude suggesting that restrictions will be imposed while observing the 63rd Martyrs' Day which falls tomorrow, the main opposition party the National League for Democracy is determined to go ahead with the programme.

Chiang Mai – Despite the Burmese military junta's attitude suggesting that restrictions will be imposed while observing the 63rd Martyrs' Day which falls tomorrow, the main opposition party the National League for Democracy is determined to go ahead with the programme.

There is heightened security cordon around the NLD headquarters in Bahan, Shwedagon pagoda, Sule pagoda and Martyrs' mausoleum. But the NLD is planning to observe Martyrs' Day at its party headquarters tomorrow. However, there is apprehension that members may be  obstructed, beaten up and arrested just as it happened during the 63rd birthday celebrations of  Daw Aung Suu Kyi's last month when the Union Solidarity and Development Association members intervened.

"They will disturb and obstruct us when we pay our respects to the fallen martyrs as is the tradition. But we will hold the ceremony in accordance with the law in our office at any cost. We are determined to hold this ceremony successfully," Dr. Wi Naing the NLD information department member said.

The government backed USDA and Swanahshin members stormed into the NLD office, beat up and arrested two NLD members and two visitors while the birthday celebrations of Daw Aung Suu Kyi was being held on June 19.

This gazetted holiday and national level ceremony was downgraded to the local level this year. Previously Martyrs' Day ceremony was held annually in Rangoon. The DPA news reported that the Rangoon Mayor instead of the usual Minister of Culture will attend this year. The regime cancelled the invitations sent to foreign diplomats.

The opposition believes that this move is to conceal the likely violence against visitors attending the Martyrs' Day ceremony which will be held tomorrow at NLD office, where tributes will be paid to nine fallen martyrs including independence hero Bogyoke Aung San, father of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Dr. Win Naing said, "The ruling junta is tightening security and may provoke and unleash violence. But we will control our people for we intend to hold this ceremony successfully".

It is learnt that alms food will be offered to the monks tomorrow early morning while tributes will be paid to the fallen martyrs at 10:37 a.m.  The ceremony will commence at noon.

The NLD has invited foreign diplomats, veteran politicians, CRPP members MPs, political parties, foreign and domestic journalists to attend tomorrow's ceremony.

"They will do what we have seen in history like storming into the Magawati Sukarnoputri party office in Indonesia and beating up party members, and recent incidents in Zimbabwe, beating and arresting opposition party members. They might follow these examples. We cannot rule it out as there are precedents as on 19th June  when they stormed into our party office and beat up and arrested our party members," Dr. Win Naing said.

Thakin Chan Tun of the Veteran Politicians' Group said, "They attacked Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's motorcade during her tour to Depayin, upper Burma which left many people dead and injured. Many vehicles were burnt. This time they may do it again. This will be an indelible black mark in our history. They should not commit such violence against the opposition. The government and senior armed forces leaders should control their own and protect the people".

The nine fallen martyrs including Bogyoke Aung San were assassinated at the Secretariat while they were holding a cabinet meeting on 19 July 1947, on the eve of gaining independence from British colonial rule, by gunmen sent by Galon U Saw.

On that day, Aung San, Ba Win, Man Ba Khaing, Sao San Tun, Razat, Deedoke Ba Cho, Thakin Mya, Ohn Maung and Ko Htwe were assassinated.