Drug case creates scare among bank customers

Drug case creates scare among bank customers
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The controversial double standards adopted by Senior General Than Shwe over the Maung Weik-Aung Zaw Ye Myint drug scandal has created tension among junta's top generals which in turn has prompted panic-stricken customers to withdraw their bank deposits, Chai Sayam reports from the border:

The controversial double standards adopted by Senior General Than Shwe over the Maung Weik-Aung Zaw Ye Myint drug scandal has created tension among junta's top generals which in turn has prompted panic-stricken customers to withdraw their bank deposits, Chai Sayam reports from the border:

The bank in question is the Kambawza Bank owned by Aung Ko Win, better known as Saya Kyaung, one of the two godsons of Deputy Senior Maung Aye, the junta's No. 2 man, who has reportedly been in a bitter dispute with Than Shwe, when the latter had taken swift and decisive action against business tycoon Maung Weik in connection with drugs but letting off Aung Zaw Ye Myint, Maung Weik's colleague, and son of Lt-Gen Ye Myint, easily by sending him off to a drug treatment centre.

"People have paniced," said a trader in Rangoon. "They are afraid the next guy to be axed may be Maung Aye. If he falls, so will all his business interests."
According to Mizzima News, on learning that his favourite grandson Nay Shwe Thwe Aung was addicted to Ecstasy, known in Thailand as Ya E and headshaker, the senior general flew into a rage and ordered the crackdown. The first suspect to be taken into custody was Aung Zaw Ye Myint, on May 29. Two days later, Maung Weik (35) managing director of Maung Weik and Family Co.Ltd, was arrested. The trial of Maung Weik and six others, including a Malaysian national, began on July 14. Meanwhile, Aung Zaw Ye Myint, whose involvement had cost his father his job as a powerful overseer of three regional commands, had returned from Wettikan, where his addiction was treated, to his Rangoon home, reported Mizzima.
"Everybody who has a gun is involved," a Palaung leader was quoted as saying by Bangkok Post.

"Apart from the drug scandal, we know Than Shwe has some holes to pick with Maung Aye for the less than satisfactory contribution of the Kambawza Bank to the Nargis relief efforts," according to a source from eastern Shan State.