
March 14, 2008
Local people are being used in road construction work without wages by a Kachin militia group, the Rebellion Resistance Force (RRF) backed by Burma's...
March 14, 2008
New Delhi - Thailand's newly elected Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej arrived in Burma's new jungle capital Nay Pyi Taw on Friday on a one-day 'good...
March 13, 2008
Ninth grade students of Basic Education High School of Southern Mon State faced difficulties after military junta authorities made taking...
March 13, 2008
Gen. Nai Aung Naing the army chief of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) has disappeared after he left for Rangoon for medical treatment early last month...
March 13, 2008
New Delhi - In yet another instance of mysterious disappearance, three Burmese activists in Rangoon have been missing since Wednesday evening, close...
March 13, 2008
A Burmese child soldier was shot dead and two were injured in an ambush yesterday morning in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) township area, said Htat Nay the...
March 13, 2008
New Delhi – Burmese authorities have secretly appointed poll booth officers in Mandalay, the country's second largest city, for the forthcoming...
March 13, 2008
The latest UN report accuses Burma's generals of being unwilling to confront a deteriorating human rights situation inside the country.
March 13, 2008
Kyauktaw: The Burmese military authorities have formed fire service brigades in central Arakan with the intent of mobilizing people to support the...
March 13, 2008
The Shan State Army (SSA) South leader Col Yawdserk has accused the Burma Army of inciting hostilities between his organization and the United Wa...
March 13, 2008
Dhaka: A monastery in Kyauktaw Township was set on fire after being bulldozed by Burma Army authorities because the abbot of the monastery was...
March 13, 2008
Cox's Bazaar: A boat sank in the Bay of Bengal on Monday leaving 115 migrants missing while five were rescued. The boat sank after taking on water,...
March 13, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State : The commander of Burma ’s security forces, or Nasaka area No. 7 in Maungdaw Township has ordered the Village Peace and...
March 13, 2008
Buthidaung, Burma : Chicken pox has broken out in Buthidaung Township , Arakan State , since the second week of March 2008, according to our staff...
March 13, 2008
New Delhi – Authorities in Rangoon have reportedly tightened security, with several truckloads of soldiers and police stationed at junctions and key...
