
October 11, 2008
The websites of Mizzima News, an independent Burmese multi-media group based in New Delhi, have been crippled since Thursday evening because of...
October 11, 2008
Burma's detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday submitted an appeal to the Burmese government regarding the extension of her house...
October 11, 2008
Burma's military government for the first time on Friday announced that it has detected the industrial chemical melamine in nine milk powder brands...
October 10, 2008
Burmese Army soldiers forcibly took away livestock belonging to locals in Rih town, northern Chin state, Burma in September and forced people to...
October 10, 2008
A stabbing victim in Thar Mway Township in Rangoon was prevented from receiving treatment until a bribe was paid to police, says a neighbor who spoke...
October 10, 2008
Famine in Chin State is causing people to abandon their native homeland, says an ethnic Chin man interviewed as he approached Three Pagodas Pass, on...
October 10, 2008
The unstable political and economic situation in Burma (which was renamed Myanmar by the ruling junta) is driving a section of women in Kachin State...
October 10, 2008
A teenager missing from home for several days has been found in an army recruitment unit in Sittwe, said a family member. "We found him in the army...
October 10, 2008
Major armed groups that had ceasefire agreements with the Burmese Army are inevitably divided between "doves" and "hawks," as pressure to surrender...
October 10, 2008
A Burmese human rights activist says UN Special Rappatouer Tomas Ojea Quintana's report on the 'Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar' and his...
October 10, 2008
In a detailed report released yesterday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in Burma pointed to the Burmese regime's planned 2010...
October 10, 2008
Two presiding Buddhist monks of the Tagontai Monastery in Mandalay were arrested in Mansi (Manje) city in Bhamo District, Kachin State while they...
October 10, 2008
A Chin national Lal Chanhlima is being held in Champhai police station in Mizoram state of northeast India on suspicion of having a connection with...
October 10, 2008
The Karen National Union (KNU) is slashing logging restrictions in territory it controls near Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burma border. The change...
October 9, 2008
General Tint Swe, the Arakan State Peace and Development Officer and the Transport Minister has formulated a new 'protection plan' to check damage...
