Shan Herald Agency for News

The Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) aka White Tiger party is going to publish a new journal which is going to focus more on social, health...
Thousands of acres of paddy fields and lands of local villagers in Shan State South, where the military junta’s Pawnglawng hydropower plant is being...
It is not just Thailand’s recent call for unregistered migrant workers to get themselves registered that has been attracting poor people from Burma...
Han Lay, or Hsailed (Race of the Sun) as Shans know him, is a fine orator, apart from being one of the most well known cartoonists from Burma.
According to reports from Shan political prisoners’ family members, almost all the Shan leaders sentenced to long term imprisonment by the military...
Many quake victims from Talerh (Talay) and Mong Lane (Monglin) village tracts of Shan State East’s Tachilek township, where a 6.8 magnitude of...
Lt-Gen Yawdserk, leader of the anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army (SSA), says so far no party concerned has approached him though there has been a lot of...
The second winning party in Shan State, Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) more popularly known as the “White Tiger” party, is calling on the...
8 days after they made their vanishing act on May 17, there is still no news of the 4 Chinese engineers and a local interpreter from the Chinese firm...
Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP), better known as the White Tiger party, the second winning party in Shan State at the 2010 elections, is...
4 Chinese workers from the Tasang hydropower project disappeared on 17 May probably causing a pain in the backside for President Thein Sein who is...
Lt-Gen Yawd Serk, leader of anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army (SSA)’s political wing, Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), has officially declared...
On 19th June 2011, Aung San Suu Kyi will celebrate her 66th birthday. We are asking our supporters to hold a fundraising dinner in her honour. Please...
Dozens of militia men from the battlefields in Shan State North’s Tangyan township are reportedly fleeing almost every week since April after they...
Aung Kyaw Zaw, son of the legendary Thirty Comrades’ still surviving member General Kyaw Zaw and himself a known authority on China, told SHAN...
