Shan Herald Agency for News

In response to Naypyitaw’s demand to yield alien Hmongs living in Wa territory, the Wa authorities last week informed the Hmongs to return to their...
The embattled Shan State Progress Party / Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), for the third time since the military campaign against it began in March, has...
Burma has again demanded the return of a 32 sq-km strip of land lying between its Monghsat township and Thailand’s Mae Ai district, according to an...
Sai Hsawng Hsi, elected representative from Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP), said he had broached the subject of setting up Internally...
Sai Seng Wan, Shan academic working with the Restoration Council of Shan State / Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), presenting his paper at the 4th...
The Shan State Progress Party / Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), popularly known as the SSA North, yesterday held a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary...
A public exercise to evacuate Thai citizens on the Chiangmai border, opposite Mongton township, in the event of a renewed war between the ethnic...
“The Life of The Buddha,” the most wellknown work of the late Burmese painter U Ba Kyi (1903-2000), in Thai version, has been on sale in Chiangmai...
In response to charges by Naypyitaw’s information minister Kyaw Hsan on 12 August, the Restoration Council of Shan State / Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA...
Following a surprise attack on soldiers by Shan State Army on 11 August, the Burma Army saturated a village near by with mortar shells, wounding at...
A former classmate in Taunggyi has a message for me, conveyed through a mutual friend who recently returned from the Shan State capital I used to...
An unidentified armed group active in Kunhing township, between the township seat and Takaw Bridge on the Salween, had released the 3 Chinese...
The second visit made by 4 military planes around 01:00 yesterday, 9 August, to the Burma Army-Shan State Army (SSA) North war zone in Kehsi township...
In response to the open letter by 23 parliamentarians on 8 August which was published by The New Light of Myanmar yesterday, Lt-Gen Yawdserk, leader...
5 days after withdrawing from the No Man’s Land between it and Mongla-based National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA)’s frontline outposts, the Burma...
