Top junta officers tour front line bases

Top junta officers tour front line bases
by -
Hseng Khio Fah

Top military officers toured areas on the Sino-Burma border facing ceasefire groups, the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’, the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and National Democratic  Alliance Army (NDAA) aka Mongla group ...

Top military officers toured areas on the Sino-Burma border facing ceasefire groups, the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’, the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and National Democratic  Alliance Army (NDAA) aka Mongla group, according to local sources.

Lt-Gen Min Aung HlaingThey included Joint Chief of Staff, Lt-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, former Commander of Shan and Kayah states, Maj-Gen Aung Than Htut, Commander of No.2 Bureau of Special Operations, former Northeastern Region Command Commander and Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe, Chief of Military Affairs Security (MAS) and former commander of Southwest Region Command who made a three-day inspection of front line bases in Shan State East and North from 24 to 26 November.

“Altogether there were four of them. But the fourth officer was not identified. Some said he was Tin Aung Myint Oo, State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) Secretary 1,” a source said.

The four travelled by helicopter and landed in Monglai, southwest of Mongyawng Township, opposite the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA)’s 911th Brigade base, on 24 November.

The next day, they went through Mawfa (now known as Markmang) to Tangyan, 115 miles west of UWSA’s Headquarters Panghsang and reportedly met Tangyan Area Commander and all battalion commanders in the township, a local source said.

Later, the team continued the trip to Kunlong, north of Wa-controlled territory and turned back to Shan State North’s capital Lashio on 26 November. “They held a meeting with Laogai Regional Operations Command (ROC), Military Operations Command (MOC) #16 of Hsenwi and Northeastern Region Command commander Aung Kyaw Zaw,” a source close to the junta said.

Details of the discussion were not known, but it was believed to be in connection with the ceasefire groups that had refused to become Border Guard Forces (BGFs) and later to surrender.

Over 50 military trucks from Lashio carrying weapons and supplies were seen heading to Kunlong the next day, a source said. “It is not certain whether the move was connected to the 26 November meeting or not,” he added.

According to an unconfirmed report, the military junta is planning to invite the UWSA to another meeting. “General Khin Nyunt (who was ousted in 2004) could be the negotiator,” a Thai source speculated. Khin Nyunt had in 1989 successfully negotiated ceasefire pacts with the groups.

The ruling military junta severed relations with the UWSA, NDAA, Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’ and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) since 1 September, when the groups refused to disarm.