Elections come and go, abuses go on forever

Elections come and go, abuses go on forever
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Ten villagers in Kyaukme, Shan State North, have been detained and tortured over suspicion of collaboration with the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’, according to local sources.

Ten villagers in Kyaukme, Shan State North, have been detained and tortured over suspicion of collaboration with the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’, according to local sources.

The 10 are:

Name Age Village Tract Date of detention
1 Htart Kya aka Thein Aung 55 Kawng Teng Pang Mark Meu 7 April
2 Sai Hsawng 45 Nyawng Pangla Taw Hsang 9 April
3 Sai Harn 64 Nyawng Pangla Taw Hsang 9 April
4 Arzingna 57 Zati Hawng Pang Mark Meu 9 April
5 Zantima 37 Zati Hawng Pang Mark Meu 12 April
6 Suzeya 38 Zati Hawng Pang Mark Meu 12 April
7 Mawng Mya 38 Pakha Taw Hsang 12 April
8 Sai Pan 35 Zati Hawng Pang Mark Meu 12 April
9 Sai Pa 55 Kawng Teng Pang Mark Meu 8 April
10 Than Kyaw 39 Pa Teng Pang Mark Meu -

They were detained by troops from Light Infantry Battalions 501 and 502, based in Kyaukme together with troops from Mogok, Namlan and Mongmit.

Mawng Mya, Sai Pan, Sai Pa and Than Kyaw were released afterwards, but others are still under detention. One source said villagers are especially concerned about Loong Harn (Sai Harn) who had received a severe head injury during interrogation and Zantima, whose bones in his hands were broken.

“Maybe our elected representatives can help?” one of the family members of the 6 remaining detainees wondered.

Kyaukme had elected 4 Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) candidates as their representatives:
Sai Thant Zin            National Assembly representative
Sai Nelson aka
Sai Hsawng Hsi        People’s Assembly representative
Sai Kham Kyaw       State Assembly representative #1
Sai Than Maung       State Assembly representative#2

The SNDP leader Sai Ai Pao, State Assembly representative for Hsenwi, is also a state minister for Industry and Mines as well as Sai Naw Kham, State Assembly representative for Hsipaw, who is a state minister for Construction.