Over a hundred and fifty thousand refugees have boosted following the military coup

Over a hundred and fifty thousand refugees have boosted following the military coup

According to the fighting across Myanmar, after the Military seized the power, about a hundred and fifty thousand (150,846) refugees have increased, according to a report released by the Institute for Strategy and Policy - Myanmar on 24 June.

Fighting across Burma since the military coup has increased the number of war refugees by more than 150,846, according to a report released by the Institute for Strategy and Policy - Myanmar on 24 June.

ISP-Myanmar said there are 116 civilians killed and more than 110 injured in the four months since the clashes resumed in the ethnic areas after the Military seized the power on February 1.

"From 2020 to the third week of June 2021, the number of refugees has risen to over 725,500. Among the growing numbers of refugees, more than a thousand have fled the clashes between the coup Military Council and the local People’s Defence Force to the safer places. This means that more than a third of the people in Kayah State have become refugees. Similarly, there are more than 15,000 refugees in Chin State, over 15,000 in Sagaing Division, more than 10,000 in Sagaing Division and 2,000 in Ayeyarwaddy due to the fighting”, ISP-Myanmar.

There have been at least 500 clashes following the military coup and most of them are in the Karen National Union (KNU)’s Brigade 5 territory.

"Following the military coup, there have been more than 499 clashes in some areas, including ethnic areas. The armed clashes between the coup Military Council and the KNU took place mostly in KNU’s Brigade territory. According to the KIC news agency citing a statement from the KNU, since 193 clashes took place in KNU’s Brigade 5 territory in May, 128 were killed and 180 were injured of the Military Council troop”, said ISP-Myanmar.

In addition, there were at least 22 clashes between the local People’s Defence Force and the Military Council in the Chin State, Kayah State, Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and Mandalay Division from April to June 23.

"There were more than 972,000 refugees who were taking refuge abroad due to previous armed conflicts. There were more than 880,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, and more than 92,000 refugees in Thailand on the Thailand-Myanmar border,” said ISP-Myanmar.

As a result of the military coup, some refugees are internally displaced persons, moreover, the number of refugees in exile is over 900,000 due to the previous armed conflicts.

Similarly, UN Secretary-General spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric said at a press conference, “After the military has seized the power on 1st February, about two hundred and thirty thousand civilians have fled their homes due to the clashes between the Myanmar Military and the Ethnic Armed Organisations and the clashes among the Ethnic Armed Organisations.”

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